Saturday, March 20, 2010

Can you believe what this Oxymoronic Blogger posted in his perverted Blog called MarGeeMar which sounds like MacheeBai .

Are Christians in Malaysia really behind MCA and BN/Umno as claimed by Ong Tee Keat?

6 (2%)
238 (97%)

Church and politics do mix
Don Amache

KUALA LUMPUR - IT was just another ordinary Sunday and I did my usual Christian duty and trudged off to church.

But that was where the ordinary stopped and the extraordinary began.

The Sunday speaker was the senior pastor of the church and after the communal prayer, he began with the absolute duty of the congregation to pray, protect, persevere and even pursue the truth.

It is usually at this point in the service that I start to catch up on my sleep and have the 'religious awakening' after the sermon, week after week.

But this Sunday's sermon was different, to say the least.

It meandered off course from the normal boring hellfire and brimstone sermons and zeroed in on the hellfire in the upcoming MCA elections…a thoroughly engaging topic even from the pulpit.

A sure cure for the very common ailment often called sermon- induced languor and 'religious awakenings'.

He began with something we'd all forgotten.

Spiritual amnesia…that's what he calls the inability to recall vital verses and pulpit lessons.

Wasn't it the MCA that opened its doors to the Metro Tabernacle church after it was torched?

Hallowed grounds?

Wasn't the MCA turned into hallowed grounds until the church had its new premises?

So, for a while, the MCA was actually transformed into the house of God, so said the preacher.


I must admit, I had never thought of it that way.

And was it not the president, Ong Tee Keat who graciously opened the doors to the stricken church.

By that very act alone, the sermon went on, "all Christians, and right and fair minded individuals have a moral and spiritual obligation to hold this man fast in prayers for the upcoming party elections, which many say is a tough uphill task for the reigning president."

Think about it. Here, was an almost oxymoronic proposition. The church and the state were separate entities in a democratic system of governance such as Malaysia.


  1. Can you believe UMNO wants to destroy the Chinese school?

    Can you believe that MCA is doing nothing to stop UMNO?

    Can you believe that?

  2. OTK may be the first MCA President to start close contact with Christian Religion as same as TCC close with Taoist Religion. Majority of MCA members are Taoist , Buddhist or Christian, so it is a good starting and in political views, it will be an added value. If MCA is weak , any political party can destroy Chinese school. But unfortunately MCA has been long not use properly his position in the BN government until the coming of OTK. We hv seen the good back shadow of TCL from OTK. 328 MCA CDs must vote at ONE TARGET. To show your LOVE & CONCERN of Chinese Schools to the ONE you vote whom has the confidence from Chinese only. OTK , as chinese , pay GOOD FAITH to him.

  3. With MCA, UMNO still destroys the Chinese school and MCA is doing nothing to help.


  4. that's right NO Thing.

    ONG Ka(ta) Nothing.

    MCA is destroying malaysian chinese.

    MarGee Bai is better than MCA.

    Mah Hai.

  5. I can't help but to amaze the thick skin of MCA.

    They are so thick skin that they have the gumption to credit themselves to the survival of the Chinese vernacular schools !

    If not for the Chinese community and Dong Jiao Zhong, the Chinese vernacular schools would all have been closed down since MCA has been helping UMNO in trying to close down the Chinese schools.

    Like that Fried Noodle of MCA who closed down the Bai Xiao in Sri Damansara along with Ling Liong Sik, then President of MCA !

    Everyone knows MCA's track record on the destruction of the Chinese vernacular school system.

    No matter how thick skin they are, no matter how much lie they wanna tell us, we Chinese know that we can NEVER depend on MCA to help the Chinese vernacular school system.

    Forget about MCA ! We Chinese have no one but ourselves to make sure that the Chinese vernacular school system doesn't get destroyed by UMNO and their slaves in MCA.


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