TSk, tsk, tsk, Guan Eng does it again
If you’ll look at Lim Guan Eng’s blog @ http://mychiefministerlimguaneng.blogspot.com/
you can see he posted his ‘Selamat Menyambut Ramadan Al-Mubarak’ message on Tuesday.

Ref. screenshot above. He ends his greeting with ‘Amal maaruf nahi mungkar’ (wrong!) – a phrase which has become his state government’s de facto Islamic motto.
In LGE’s own winding-up speech to the state assembly on Nov 20, 2008 (which you can read here, see point No.48), he himself admitted:
48. Begitu juga isu penggunaan kalimah amar makruf nahi mungkar. Ia merupakan salah satu maksud dari kalam Allah yang terkandung di dalam al-Quran yang menjelaskan ciri-ciri yang sepatutnya dimiliki oleh orang Islam. Ia bermaksud menyuruh melakukan kebaikan dan mencegah daripada melakukan kemungkaran. Jabatan Mufti bersetuju telah berlaku kesilapan dalam penulisan ejaan yang terdapat di banner atau poster sempena sambutan hari raya idul fitri baru-baru ini. Tiada istilah bagi amal mahruf nahi mungkar. Bagi persoalan sama ada istilah ini boleh digunakan oleh orang bukan Islam atau digunakan oleh sesebuah negeri sebagai satu slogan atau pendekatan, Jabatan ini berpandangan bahawa pendekatan atau slogan amar makruf nahi mungkar yang ingin dibawa oleh Y.A.B. Ketua Menteri adalah satu pendekatan yang baik.
So the upshot of it is this. Back in late 2008, LGE who was posturing as more Muslim than your regular Malay guy, had already got the banners and billboards all across Penang state with the word ‘Amal makruf nahi mungkar’ misspelled (it should correctly be ‘amar makruf nahi mungkar’).
Penang Umno took him to task for it back then. You’d have thought LGE would have learned that he made a mistake.
Now, again this week, in his state greeting on Ramadhan, LGE is still trying to out-Islamize PAS and Umno combined. And guess what? He got the Islamic phrase wrong one more time.
We know that some Chinese find it difficult to roll their tongues around the letters ‘r’ and ‘l’. But distinct pronunciation aside, LGE is even having difficulty in differentiating the two alphabets in writing. Is he dyslexic or what?
hello j4otk @ Tan Cheng Liang. No shame ah. Always foulmouthed and slandering and spinning. You call yourself a born again Christian. Better for you to be reborn again, you harlot. Oh yeah, you can also ask your loverboy WISDOM @ Ong Tee Keat to join you, bitch.
ReplyDeleteJ4 is at his wits end to kacau LGE lah. Pitty him lah....... Downgrade already. How coome you do not kacau CSL already??!! you are gagged by dollar notes or the chua fella suddenly became a saint.??
ReplyDeletehow come no news on Ong Ta Kut of late....
ReplyDeletestill MP of Pandan Jaya kah ???