Kaki Sue
rocky's bruWee Ka Siong to sue the Star. Wee, a deputy minister, wants to sue
the Star. Last week he also threatened to sue Bernama TV. Both over the remarks made by the same man, Phang, with regards to Wee and the PKFZ fiasco.
Read the NST report today, Page 6, here.
The lawsuit threat against Bernama TV is over its Jan 7 Hello Malaysia program featuring Robert Phang. It was a rare occasion where a local tv station had the gumption to debate the subject of graft openly and "live".
Wee should request Bernama TV have another go at the subject, featuring him. No need to sue anyone. And give an interview to the Star, the Sun of NST. Or Malay Mail, if he wishes.
If The Star wishes to play Wee's silly game, it can well decide to sue Wee over his remarks in the NST that "I know it wasn't the reporter's fault. Someone higher up had edited the story to make it seem like I am hiding something." That, to me, is a malicious statement.
For that matter, the Star could sue NST for publishing Wee's statement accusing "someone higher up" in the Star making up a story about Wee!
Come on, Wee. Leave the suing of newspapers to Anwar, Theresa, and that Menteri Besar from Perak who's suing Suara Keadilan. Politicians are not people without avenues for recourse or right to reply.
I say man , better leave that rattled rattle snake alone . Its ready to strike at anything that moves , including his own shadow !
of course Wee has to sue that fellow. If he did not, you will say he chicken out. Come on, J4OTK, do not play head you win, tail Wee lose. MAna boleh!!!! Be just to all. not just OTK mah!!!
Sdr Anon JJ
ReplyDeleteI did not write those articles , its from rocky's bru . So if you are asking me to be fair , how am I going to reply you since its not written by me ? In fact I wrote better leave that rattled rattle snake alone ! fair ?
Brutus Wee
ReplyDeleteKopi susu
Kaki sue sue