By Michael Chick
Michael Chick goes back to old Arabic maps to find that Tanah Melayu was actually called Barr Chin or Tanah China . So who is the Pendatang?
Even our famous Professor of History does not know this as he only refers to English texts. A shame, isn't it?
The Great Tanah Melayu Debate
We hear UMNO's cries for “Brain Gain”, caused by excruciating “Brain Drain”, in the wake of hundreds of thousands of Malaysians who are fleeing their country. We've heard the many alleged reasons provided from both sides of the fence. One of the strongest seems to be the fact that UMNO is asking all “pendatangs” to leave the country if they are not happy.
By Michael Chick
Well, Robert Kwok certainly did just that. And along with him, his entire businesses worth billions in “Tax Drain”. BTN has also been copiously assisting, by enthusiastically brainwashing simple minds into thinking that “Tanah Melayu” is reserved for Orang Melayu. Of course, they quickly tell you that anyone can become an Orang Melayu by speaking, dressing, and behaving like one (what! ever that means, who knows?).
Well, UMNO managed to achieve one thing. The BTN-type morons, and their predecessors, have been overwhelmingly successful in brainwashing todays' 27 million citizens. Who says that the Peninsular was ALWAYS called “Tanah Melayu”? This is a recent British Term!! Let me dedicate this Article to the foremost “so-called reknown Historian” of the country. Prof Dr Emeritus Khoo Khay Khim (and anyone else who claims to be as competent in History as well).
Prior to “Tanah Melayu” being a British Tag in the 19th century, the peninsular was formerly known as Malacca in the 15th century. The newly-renamed book “Sejarah Melayu” (previously known as “Asal-Usul Raja-Raja”) mentions every other place from India to China , including the tiny-speck-of-dirt called Temasik EXCEPT “Tanah Melayu”. Why was Tanah Melayu NEVER MENTIONED in Sejarah Melayu? Simple!! Because that was not it's name!! !
Tanah Melayu was NEVER the name until the British came and colonized the Peninsular.
(please see map b elow )
Since UMNO has a habit of believing that “whatever is older is better”, let's take a short walk down this slippery slope of history. (Also, BTN-Baru syllabus planners should start taking notes.)
For starters, “Malaya ” in Tagalog means “Peaceful” (go ask your Pinoy maid).
“Malai” means “Hill” in Tamil; as in “mini-Himalaya” to describe the Titiwangsa Range on the said Peninsular since the 2nd century by the Gujerati Traders who helped the local Malays set up their formidable Hindu Empire at Lembah Bujang.
ref: Prof Nik Hassan, Tom Harrison, and H.G Quatrich Wales
Also read he re: http://www.astigan.com/2009/03/06/ppag-unearths-evidence-of-iron-industry-in-lembah-bujang/
Only in the 19th Century was The Peninsular known as “Tanah Melayu”.
In the 15th Century, the Peninsular was known by no other name than “The Malacca Peninsular”.
Before “that Rebel-Indonesian Guy” came over here (look, he wanted to kill his own father; what else do you want me to call Parameswara?), the Peninsular was known as “Barr Kra” in the 10th Century. Before that, the Peninsular was known as the “Golden Chersonese” since the 2nd Century.
“Golden Chersonese is the ancient name to refer to the Malay Peninsula by Claudius Ptolemy or Claudius Ptolemaeus (Greek: ; c. 90 – c.. 168). Known in ! English as Ptolemy, he was a Greek-speaking geographer, astronomer, and astrologer. During Roman times, the Malay Peninsula developed an international reputation as a source of gold; hence the name was given.”
By the way, “Barr” simply means “Land” in the Persian Language. And Barr Kra above, means “ Land of Kra ” (as in reference to the Isthmus of Kra ).
But I've saved the best for last, as usual. And I hope all you soon-to-be “Brain Gain” people are sitting down reading this ....
The earliest known Arabic Maps refer to the Peninsular as “Barr CHIN”.
Where Chin refers to CHINA ! Why did the Arabs call this Peninsular “Tanah China” instead of “Tanah Melayu”? When Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. spoke about “Exotic Tanah China ”, was he actually refering to Malaya ? After all, according to records, Malayan Gold Mines was already famous 500 years BEFORE the Prophet was born!! As his wife, Khadijah was a Great Trader. He must have known!
Footnote: Chin is spelt “Xin” by the Portuguese, but always pronounced as Chin.
Alright, it's now public!! The oldest known Arab Maps called the Peninsular “Barr Chin”; which translates to “Tanah China ”, or “ Land of Chinese ”. BTN can now implement this new found knowledge into their syllabus. You cannot deny that you don't know it now! Perhaps if you spoke Hokkien, dressed like a Hokkien, and practised Hokkien Customs, the Hokkiens might be gracious enough to acc! ept you. Sounds absurd? Absolutely; and so does the other “Great Race-Changing Trick” practised by UMNO. And I quote Prof Dr Anthony Milner (ANU), “If it's so easy to join a race, it must be equally easy to 'un-join' that race ...”
Alright, Prof Khoo, your turn now ...
This will be the first exercise in “Brain Gain” which UMNO is allegedly proposing, for the greater good of 1Malaysia; plus, I'll even give you a hint: (because I'm nice and assume that you actually really, really, really, don't know ....)
It's a Dark Green Hardcover Book about an inch thick; usually reserved for Academicians like yourself. So you won't find it in Popular, MPH, Wiki, Amazon or any Pasar Malam. I'm sure that Great Historians like yourself, have your own Jstor Account number.
Unfortunately, it's written ! in English, so UMNO people cannot possibly understand it; because, as they say it so eloquently, “...that English sounds like strange babbling ....”
So be nice, Prof, and please translate it for them. And in my best Manglish, “Can translate or not? Please?”
Me? I'll take a nice stroll over to the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies here in Leiden , to read more on this .... I'd better put on a Jacket too, it's a li! ttle nippy today.
“Doei!!” Pronounced, 'do-we' in Dutch.
The Malaysian government should publish statistics showing how much Malays had benefited from the 'special rights' of Malays and at the same time release the statistics which show how minority races are being discriminated against.
Hence, the responsibility lies in the Malaysia government itself to publish unadulterated statistics of racial discrimination.
If the Malaysia government hides the statistics above, then there must be some evil doings, immoral doings, shameful doings and sinful doings, like the Nazis, going on with the non-Malays of Malaysia .
Civilized nations, unlike the evil Nazis, must publish statistics to show its treatment of its minority races. This is what Malaysia must publish.
We are asking for the publication of the statistics showing how 'implementation of special rights of Malays' had inflicted colossal racial discrimination onto non-Malays.
Human Book
How come MCA don't speak up like this? If it did it can gain support in Hulu Selangor. But if it did, it will be chuck out of BN. Then. no more ministership for Liow Tiong Lai, Wee Ka Siong and Ong Tee Keat, loh.
ReplyDeleteEmm... The last part is from http://www.worldpress.org/2298.cfm
ReplyDeleteAnd J4OTK, I think you maybe tired and forgot to list the 50 items included in the letter with the url above.
They are too long to list in the reply here, J4OTK, maybe you list them la.
List the 50 items included in the letter with the url above.
ReplyDeleteThat is the doing of Father of all Malaysian racists under his watch of 22 years .
We need to support Najib to undo the shit , shit , shit ! of 22 years of power abuse !
Anon 4.28.00pm
ReplyDeleteThe solution is outsource. Sub-contract out your dirty works to a third party just like UMNO in the the form of Perkasa. MCA/Gerakan should seriously give a thought about it and then just like Mamakkutty, being out of government, Lim Keng Yik can come out with gun blasting using this 3rd party....
J4. You are wrong. Why should we support Najib? We need a change of govt.
ReplyDeleteAnon 10:10
ReplyDeleteIf Najib goes down , UMNO will still be there . You want Muhyhidin to become PM ? Then I'll have to pack my bags and leave on a jet plane !
No No No ...Najib is still the MAn to change these goons in UMNO .
ReplyDeleteNajib is a nice man??!! I bet you Muhidin will be a nice man too when he becomes PM one day. They are all the same, before they reach the helm, they behave like racist to get support from extsreamists and if need be, work with ppl like Perkasa. Once they reach the top, they become nice - pro-china lah, pro-itu, pro-ini.
Perkasa is just a tool for them to garner support internally and externally when general election comes.
Najib will come and go, Mohidin also will come and go, likewise for PErkasa. But years after years, there will be "Najibs", "Muhidins" and "Perkasas" - different ppl but same style.... there will still be the group of ppl who suffer - the Rakyat like you and me (your next generations also).
ReplyDeleteNajib will come and go, Mohidin also will come and go, likewise for PErkasa. But years after years, there will be "Najibs", "Muhidins" and "Perkasas" - different ppl but same style.... there will still be the group of ppl who suffer - the Rakyat like you and me (your next generations also).-- True
But then opinions can change with time . But for the present time , I'll stick with the devil whom I know rather then with the angel I don't know ( but his Mohy actions are not to my taste at the moment )
anon 10.19. I said a change of government. Not a change of PM. Malaysia need a destructive change. Some other party (dont care good or no good) to act as agent of change. You may argue people will suffer, new people dont know how to govt etc. True. But that is not the purpose. The purpose is to destroy then re-built.