Chinese organisations and MCA Presidential Council Meeting

It has always been a problem for Chinese: deliberately looking for problems and exaggerating small matters. It seems like they are unable to live in peace and harmony.
The issue of whether Chinese organisations should attend the MCA Presidential Council meeting is not something complicated, and it is not a big deal either. It does not worth it for Chinese organisations to waste time debating on it or even worse, split because of it.
The MCA Presidential Council meeting will have discussions on its party affairs, as well as government affairs. It is not wrong to listen to MCA ministers to talk about the Cabinet's views on national and Chinese community affairs but the Presidential Council meeting is an internal meeting of the party. Since Chinese organisations are not MCA members, why are they attending the party then? They are not eligible to attend either.
It is just like the UMNO annual general meeting, it invites observers from foreign political parties, including the Communist Party of China (CPC). It is justifiable for foreign political parties to send observers as they are all political parties. But Chinese organisations are not political parties and they are not involved in politics. It may be embarrassing for them to hear MCA leaders discussing the party's internal affairs. Also, their stands may be influenced.
The most ideal way would be forming an advisory body that invites MCA leaders and ministers to discuss on Chinese community issues, develop strategies and even invite the participation of opposition party if necessary, in order to achieve the objective of gathering the forces of the Chinese community. This is how we apply the principle of "surpassing political parties but not politics".
Everyone, including Chinese organisations, is not able to escape from politics. But only with a detached and neutral status, they can gain respect from both the parties, as well as the public.
Chinese organisations may use political parties' channels in the government to solve problems, get funding or various types of assistance. However, Chinese organisation leaders should avoid campaigning for any candidate during election periods. Political party members may join Chinese organisations or hold important positions but when it comes to issues involving racial group interests, they should adhere to their community stands, instead of political party stands. They must be truly transparent and fair. Otherwise, it will proof the saying that "political parties have infiltrated Chinese organisations".
Under the two-party system, Chinese organisations should not be involved in political party and political disputes. Instead, Chinese organisations should treat the two parties with a higher profile. It should play the role of check and balance and get advantages from both parties through the support from the community, instead of becoming a pawn.
Chinese organisation leaders must face the new situation with more wisdom as both BN and Pakatan Rakyat need votes. Chinese organisations have to keep a certain distance with them. They should not go neither too near, nor too far and offend any of the party.
If Chinese organisations are able to stimulus, by using their status, both the parties to fight for support with performances, it will benefit the Chinese community. Otherwise, if they themselves are involved in the chaoses and disputes, how are they going to fight rights for the Chinese community?
Some people criticised before that Chinese organisations had not influence and power. It did not help to get victory in elections even if a political party was able to gain support from them. It is a self-devaluation if Chinese organisations are neither haughty nor humble but be controlled instead.
Chinese organisations are one of the elements of the iron triangle of the Chinese community but their status have been declining. Who should be blamed for it? Chinese organisations must carry out a self-reflection.Maybe they want to hear what the Pornsident talks with his dick ? who knows ? maybe compare whose dick is longer ? hahaha !
In view of hot response and to show equality among Malaysian and specifically to THREE-LEGGED Najib, (So that Najib will in turn invite CSL to be in the cabinet) MCA will demostrade that they are indeed Malaysian 1st and chinese 2nd, hence, Makkal Sakti, Malay Chamber of Commerce.....etc, will be invited to attend MCA Presidential council.
ReplyDeleteMCA under CSL is trying to corrupt the Chinese associations. By trying to co-opt these associations, CSL hoped to get them to link to MCA's or rather his agenda. He is trying to get them support him for MCA pornsident in the next party election.
ReplyDeletePolitics must not be injected into the agendas of these associations. CSL. Do not involve the associations in your politics.
It was reported that Hua Zhong and ACCIM said no. I think this is a slap to Chua Soi Lek. Looks like things are not going smooth at all.
ReplyDeleteWhy no body query the admission of Junior Chua to MCA President Council ? The motive is using the Hua Zhong, Tong Zhong , Hua Tang to give way to his junior Chua.The qualification of this Junior Chua , this president cannot put other professional mca member from the ONE MILLION by knowing that the co-opt of the associations will have great rebound from the public. But MCA is non-relevant to Chinese community, so NOBODY WOULD LIKE TO CARE how MCA turn out like to become what kind of body . SAM CHOON CAN TURN OUT BE A NIGHT CLUB TO SUIT THAT TOUKAY FOR ENJOYMENT WITH THE PRESIDENT.
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha .....
ReplyDeleteDickhead calling fellow dicks for a meeting?.. Wonder if the fairer sex were invited too...but what are they supposed to do if they are so invited? No matter how you whitewash it, I STILL Knew What You Did Last Summer....
Why no body query the admission of Junior Chua to MCA President Council ?
ReplyDeleteEveryone lying low for the moment , even that fat ass Wee ,wonder why he didn't say the President abused his power to appoint his son into the PC . Maybe its good to show and tell everyone how power crazy this dickhead is . Let the rebellion ferment until its ripe for action . Give him enough ropes to hang himself .
Rumours abound about a second DVD with a Malay woman .
What is this blog doing ? Purported fighting for OTK but sound more like DAP mouth piece. JUst because OTK is no longer the president MCA is useless. MCA is useful only when OTK sits on the presidential chair ?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteBecause you all hates CSL, therefore anybody who befriend CSL will be under attack, including leaders of Hua Zong, ACCCIM and 7 Guilds and Associations. Look at how mad this blog has become, like the Taliban and AlQaeda fighters, killing and maiming innocent people and claim that you are doing justice for the world.
ReplyDeleteThis is a terrorist-like blog. Stay away.
J4OTK, see what happen in the Wanita wing?
ReplyDeleteSee how they sideline all the OTK supporters?
MCA is at the end of its miserable life already.
ann 8:08
ReplyDeletewhy don't you stay away and make yourself disappear . Your head will be chop !
We allow and approve CSL to appoint his son to be in the Presidential Council as he is a genius in accounting, much better than all the MCA, MIC and UNMO people all put together........ We do not make noise as we want to give him enough rope to hand himself.
ReplyDeleteanon 8:11
ReplyDeleteYeah am aware of it . They tried to remove Heng Seai Kie and Tan Cheng Liang . They sideline all OTK's people , but still want to call it unity , how hypocrite can they be .
This Yu is a LTL ma coi . They ase being sideline by CSL's people and now they want to sideline OTK's people .
Let it be lah ! let them do as they please , after all its only for one year !
A second DVD with a Malay women, are you joking ? Can get it out from you tube ?
ReplyDeleteWah! Chua Soi Lek's son is a super accountant? MCA members watch out for your assets in the party. Something funny is going to happen.
ReplyDeleteAn emergency team must be set up to look into the asset of the party. I have contributed RM50,000 before.
ReplyDeleteanon 11.37. Are u stupid or what. How can you contribute 50K to MCA.