The parents should be held responsible !
Before I start let's look at the following articles :Neighbours’ anger over trigger-happy cops

By Neville Spykerma
SHAH ALAM, April 28 — Neighbours who knew Aminulrasyid Amzah today could not contain their emotions as they expressed outrage over his shooting by police.
The Form Three student was driving his sister’s Proton Iswara and is alleged to have attempted to ram a police road-block in Section 11 here, before the fatal shooting occurred early Monday morning.
“This is not Manchester or Los Angeles, this is bloody Malaysia,” said Nadzimuddin Pip, who added the police should have been better trained to differentiate between criminals and boys.
The retiree, along with businessman Wan Rahim Tajuddin, whose house in Section 11 is exactly at the spot where the Proton Iswara eventually crashed, said they had initially assumed police has scored a major success against a criminal.
“His body was lying face down in the car and surrounded by police. We didn’t realise it was Aminul until the next day,” said Wan Rahim, who broke down as he spoke.
He said Aminul was a close friend of his son, and expressed regret they did not have a chance to see the dead teenager’s face.
The men were relating the incident to MPs Lim Guan Eng, Lim Kit Siang and Dr Lo’Lo’ Mohd Ghazali at the scene of the incident in Section 12 this afternoon.
Kit Siang earlier led a delegation of Pakatan Rakyat (PR) lawmakers to Aminulrasyid’s home where they spoke and expressed their condolences to his mother Norsiah Mohamad, 60.
Norsiah said contrary to press reports, her son was only 14 and not 15-years-old.
Kit Siang wants to know why boy was shot from the back
Politics and the death of a school-boy
APRIL 30 — Aminulrasyid Amzah is barely buried, and already the political knives are out, with both Umno and Pakatan Rakyat clamouring for the right to champion justice for him and his family. Naturally, the ostensibly non-partisan folk are coming out of the woodwork to sternly warn against “politicising” the death of this 14-year-old boy.
Let's debate :If there were worst politicians in this country I would give the medal of honour to Pakatan leaders for their lack of social etiquette, unashamedly politicising the incident to their own advantage without giving due consideration to the feelings of the family members of the deceased.It's about time these uncouth and uncultivated politicians learn to differentiate what politics and what are acceptable social behaviour. How we should react in time of grief and bereavement, particularly other people's grief. They are turning people's grief to fish for votes :
Lets take a look at the first pic . Why is the Father and son Guan Eng there when he has other more important duties to perform as the Chief Mininster of Penang ? or is he the Cheap Minister of Penang ? Until today the saying goes , Penang is on auto pilot because the CM is always not in Penang , either in parliament , KL , Malacca , Perak or on issues like these when he still thinks he is Mr Opposition . Penangites should send him a strong message come next GE . He could have left this to others within his PR grouping and not be involved unless he is fishing for votes at the expense of the police .
There are many unanswered questions :
a) Why would the parents of the boy not aware that he is still not in bed and not at home at that material time ?
b) what is he doing in the middle of the night at 2am in the morning ?
c ) why is he not in bed when he has school the next day ?
d) why is he a form three student driving his sister’s Proton Iswara without a license ?
e) why didin't he stop at a police road-block in Section 11 ?
f ) why did he attempted to ram a police road-block ?
g) why did he attempt to run away when police fired warning shots ?
h) the police claim he was trying to reverse his car into the officers pursuing him, so they had no choice but to fire , why did he do that ?
i) Kit Siang wants to know why boy was shot from the back ! If you are driving a car and reversing to ram police from the back , do you expect the him to be shot from the front ?when you are standing from the back of the car ?
The parents of the boy should be held responsible for their son's untimely death due to lack of parental control !
Put yourself in the policeman situation .
You have a guy driving a car attempting to ram you by reversing . Its dark since it is 2am . Do you think the policeman would be able to distinguish the driver as a 14 yr old school boy ? or as a wanted criminal attempting to get away at all cost ? unless of course he advertises himself , hey don't shoot I am only 14 . There are 14 yr old who look like adults and adults who look like school boys ( midgets and dwarfs ) . Do you think the policeman would have shot him if he had not attempted to ram them ? So who is to be blamed ? If you are the policeman with a family , would you shoot if you think your life is in danger ? Its either him or me , so I'll shoot first asks questions later . A vehicle can be used as a weapon, a weapon doesn’t mean that it is only a gun, knife or parang. If you refuse to stop and try to plough the officers who are trying to stop you, it can be a weapon because it becomes a danger to the lives of enforcement officers,”
Justice must be seen to be not only to the boy but also to the policeman who fired the shot and who put their lives in danger in the line of duty .
So politicians stay out and let the police do their work !
Bullshit. PR is more people friendly and willing to take up the case of people oppressed by the authorities. MCA -pordah!
ReplyDeleteI agree with anon 10.38, police brutality is on the rise, there should be another royal commission to investigate this shooting incident. j4otk is jumping the gun, very abnoraml for a blog which proposes to uphold justice and integrity. justice for who then ? if for all malaysians Amirulrasyid is one of them, if for OTK only then it is ok, but make sure you declare yourself and change the banner./header of this blog
ReplyDeleteyalah, how to distinguish a criminal and a teenager in the dark? So parents take care of your children, they are angels in front of you but god knows what they are behind your back.
ReplyDeletenowaday politician more interested in 'thing' 1 out of 26 million.
ReplyDeletecome on all politician pls help your rakyat to go out from this economy uneven time.
amirulrasyid could be a criminal, could be just a naughty boy out there to loofting around, it is perfectly ok with youngsters. were you not naughty at teenage ? the whole question is: is it necessary to use gun power, to shoot at them ?
ReplyDeletejust bcos amirulrasyid is not yr son, yr nephew or yr friend or what, you think it ok. look at how amirul mother feel about it ? so easy to raise up a son to 15 yrs old. this blog is 100% cold blooded.
That motherfucker Lim Guan Eng is worse than useless.
ReplyDeleteEvery single time he opens his mouth garbage falls out.
He has sia sui Penang so much that I hope Lim Guan Eng will find himself in prison before his term ends, 3 years from now.
there again the word "fuck" is indiscriminately used in this blog. the frequency of vulgarism in this blog may top the world record, it goes to show how uneducated this blog is. by right blogging is meant for educated people but it has since become the platform for dissemination of vulgarism. how pitful and sad.
ReplyDeleteanon 11:08. You must be jealous of LGE initiative. He showed the people first mentality instead of BN. BN only threaten people. Come you fcuking MCA. Show your balls.
ReplyDeletei agree with anon 10.53, the police should not shoot on sight, a 14 yrs old teenage boy, even if he has committed an offence. there is always a second chance to educate the boy. he may be one of the most valueable human capital we ever have. who knows ?
ReplyDeletecome on think of how sad the mother could be ? do not be so selfish just bcos it does not concern yr family. amirulrasyid is just another teenage citizen who is undergoing the process of growing up. he may have committed some mistakes but he should not die just like that.
ReplyDeleteJ4OTK, the banana man just don't know what he is saying!!
ReplyDeleteThe trigger happy polices have killed as many people on the road as one can they criminals or innocents. To them it is better to play safe by 'killing' on the spot than to catch them.
In this case Amirulrasyid's friend is lucky to escape or he will be a goner too.
Do you believe that 14 years old boy had the courage to reverse his car and ramp those polices, and had a parang in his car? Are you saying this young lad deserved to be killed?
DAP visit, you said they are fishing for votes. But if OTK visit, you'll say he cares.
This is a sick blog...
ReplyDeletetotally disagree with you that Penang is on Auto pilot mode. That is the system that work, not LGE alone. Just like BN gov, if you need PM to do all the things himself, without whom whole Malaysia will grind to a halt, then PM should not goto Hulu Selangor or Sibu later. Not onlyPM went, but the whole cabinet went. sigh!!
As for the police shotting from behind.....if Americn Police is to behave like ours, all the BLACKS will be on the floor.
If J4 wants to creat a safe society, pls tell the police to have Official Road blocks when they want to stop and check a car. Not hidding in the dark and looking for a prey.
Do you know what foreigners call our policemen??!! Bushman --- because they hide behind the bush and spring a suprise and pouce on you and later help you to settle your problem.
I think BN has lost Shah Alam for good in the next election.
ReplyDeleteannon 10.58am, sorry I am not young,one foot in the grave, fyi. You are so worked up that any good thing commented at J4OTK blog will blow your fuse.
ReplyDeleteListen to this good advice by an old experienced mother whose children were also devils behind her back but grown to be highly respected members of the public.
Don't be so agitated just because you hate the blogger J4OTK. See things in a wider perspective. Peace be upon you, amin.
Oh btw , we also have a very righteous blogger who is now a fugitive , have you see the film 'The Fugitive " ? Yeah his son also stole from people , you know , and the father , good as slandering people he doesn't likes , spinning all sorts of cock and bull story about everyone , everyone bad except himself . He thinks he is the reincarnation of Shiva . haha Raja Putar Kamasutra .
ReplyDeleteHave cleaned up all the shit waste droppings from one bastardised anjing in my blog . happy commenting , without that diseased anjing coming here to kachau .
ReplyDeleteOf course, I do sympathy with the parent for the loss of a child, perhaps it is a lesson for every parents to look across the shoulder of their children and monitor their activities. Surely this child behave suspiciously by driving a car without a license and during the middle of the night.
ReplyDeleteIn the dark, inside the car and behave suspiciously, how the hell the police know it a fourteen years old boy!.....Lim Guan Eng and Lim Kit Siang must be God to be able to sense that while others can't.....since they are so good why not ask them to smell out all the terrorists, robbers and killers in the country...we do not need the police forces anymore......
What is disgusting is this two fellow capitalising on someone else misfortune. I would like to ask...did Lim Guan Eng and Lim Kit Siang ever visit to console the family of any fallen police personnel who die in the course of duty to maintain law and order..or ...any victim of robberies, rape, sodomize and murder....I think there is none, more likely they are protecting those criminals.
Look at the country today, the criminals are getting bolder and bolder, why because there are many politicians who is willing to protect them....they start shouting when the police bash up those those law breakers...
Oh we have the famous Singh family , the Karpals and the Gong Bin Singh protecting and always act as the lawyers for those hardcore criminals , rapists , drug trackficers , serial murderers .
ReplyDeleteKarpal today is in a wheel chair , as a result of the effect of his karma for getting hardcore criminals escape the laes of the land . Ya lawyers who defend criminals resulting in them being released due to some technical legal issue will not escape the laws of the universe . They will pay for it !
So many young children are being abused , murdered . Where is Lim Guan Eng and Lim Kit Siang ?
ReplyDeleteWould like to add, it is the same in MCA, when OTK bash the up the tainted fellow, MCA people start shouting and ousted the sitting president....
ReplyDeletePoliceman are also humans , they also have their families , are they not be be given their rights of protection or only to those that die , ie shot by police ?
ReplyDeleteNext time the police will see to it that when Indonesian criminals murder and rape Malaysians , just escort them back to Indonesia , give them a bouquet of floers and say thank you . We are not allowed to shoot anyone .
Politicians who protect criminals and worship criminals like Kugan ( during the funeral many politicians even walked with the hearse ) are criminals themselves . Like they say birds of a feather flock together .
ReplyDeleteDuring the Japanese Occupation , I was told by my father that even if you leave your house door open with gold inside your house , nobody will dare to even try to steal it .
ReplyDeleteWhen caught , its a public execution , head chopping , not trials , no legal representation , nothing .
Crime was practically non - existence .
Why are we now protecting criminals ? like in the west , people who are caught traficking drugs in Asian countries , when they are released like the case of the two English girls who were pardon by the King of Thailand were offered $$$$$ for their story and for the rights to made a film out of it .
What about the bus driver who fell asleep and causing 20 over people killed as a result of his sleeping . Perhaps the police should just ask him to carry on driving .
No one likes to shoot anyone unless they are threatened and in a situation where they have to make a decision fast . To shoot or not to shoot .
Talk is easy , so is posting comments but when caught in that situation as the policeman , I wonder how you would react .
PM Najib and his cabinet team went to H.selangor - that was not auto pilot??? J4 Talk rubbish.
ReplyDeletePlease help us bring that motherfucker LGE back to Malacca.
We Penangites kenot tahan lagi oy !
To wind back the clock a little, Lim Guan Eng threw a challenge to the police to arrest him regarding the controversial $100.00 angpow for the senior citizen. What does his cocky stance tell us?.....I may say he display a trait of a thug and to disparage the police forces, he effectively make an enemy out of them, you don't show respect to them how they gonna respect you!...and his followers start to do the same.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't be surprised that one day he end up behind bar again, he set the motion for the police to get him..
If the IGP has to resign because of his policeman shooting dead one criminal , then Lim Guan Eng and Lim Kit siang has to resign for the deaths of six student dragon boat rowers cause by his state govt to change the venue . Please resign LKS and LGE , take the responsibility .
ReplyDeleteAnon 02.32Pm,
ReplyDeleteWere you there when the cop open fire? How do you know those cops were threatened? Just because they said so?
After a 6km high speed chase, the 14yrs boy stopped his car and reversed to try to knock down those buy that story? So, the boy deserved to die just because he tried to escape being caught driving without a licence..??
If the polices done a great job, we sure have to commend them. But if they done some wrongs, we do have to condemn them...not side with them!!
See, even riots in thailand, initially they use only rubber bullets....... Police should not shoot to kill..... by the way, how many bullets did the police fired?? that speak volumes.....
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeletei) Kit Siang wants to know why boy was shot from the back ! ---- J4 bark up the wrong tree.
Read LKS news in the link. It means the kid did no pose clear and present danger to those police..... why fired 5 shots (to be verified). Normally if police not attacked, they should not fire.... even the first shot was suppose to be warning shot.
Anon 10:52
ReplyDeleteSee, even riots in thailand, initially they use only rubber bullets....... Police should not shoot to kill
Are you dumb or what ? rioters /protesters are not criminals !
Anon 9.42pm,
ReplyDeleteFYI,that poor boy is not a criminal! Even so, the police should not fired directly at the 'criminal'. A young life is lost, and you happily said he deserved it. If he is your son, will you said so?