Najib says his head is on chopping block
Najib speaking in Singapore tonight, April 6, 2010. — Reuters pic
By Sheridan Mahavera
SINGAPORE, April 6 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak claimed tonight that he has put his political career on the line by committing to purging rent-seeking and patronage politics in Malaysia’s economy.
He said this is because those who benefit from these practices are powerful and politically connected, and he hinted that they could even exert their influence in Umno, the party of which he is president.
Najib, who has made needs-based instead of race-based affirmative action an important plank of his administration, said that his approach has put him in a “dangerous” position.
“We don’t want rent seekers and the politics of patronage in our economy. I committed to that and it is dangerous because they are politically connected.
“But we have to help the Bumiputeras who need help, the Sarawakians, the Sabahans and the Orang Asli. Not just the Malays.
“Affirmative action has to be market-based, merit-based and needs-based because we want a more equitable society,” he told the audience at the Singapore Foreign Correspondents Gala Dinner here tonight.
Chinese and Indian also need help.
ReplyDeleteNot all of us are rich. While there are many Chinese and Indian beggars everywhere, one can hardy find a Malay beggar.
Many Chinese and Indian are now very much needed help.
Mr. PM, please do something for us.
After hearing this speech by the PM, I could gauge and analyze him as a very fair, thoughtful and caring person. An ideal Prime Minister.
ReplyDeleteJust like any other big organizations, his hands are tight to a certain decisions. We should trust him to move Malaysia forward.
If you people still can remember, Tee Keat was exactly in such situation, putting his head on the chopping block to change MCA and investigating into the PKFZ scandal, the current tainted president of MCA instead of supporting the sitting president took the opportunity to go for the kill...
ReplyDeleteOff course Najib is worry that he may end up like Tee Keat and Pak Lah, as the circumstances look the same, as someone is sharpening his knife, is a matter of time he follow the tainted president footstep.
After reading many of Wisdom(not so wisdom)'s postings, I bet he/she must be a family member of OTK.
ReplyDeleteSuch speech can only make an impact with foreigners but not across the causeway. Malaysians are inured with their leaders' lofty ideas. Such statements - '“Affirmative action has to be market-based, merit-based and needs-based because we want a more equitable society,” is capitalism in essence in which free market has no place for affirmative action. What is being practiced in Malaysia and what he preaches now is an oxymoron in substance.
ReplyDeleteWould you believe it if the story I heard is credible enough to caused concern ?
Perkasa is said to have been created by UMNO and is its mouthpiece for promulgating extremist views to placate the extreme right ? Outsourcing or sub-contracting is a norm nowadays and UMNO that will resort to such tactics are not unthinkable.
Will he be like Ong Tee Keat? Maybe MCA should sell the service of Liow Tiong Lai, Wee Ka Siong and Chew Mei Fun to UMNO. Outsource the brutus need to MCA.
ReplyDeleteNajib was talking to Singaporeans lah. They must really be stupid to believe this. We must be really stupid to believe this. But MCA will just lap it up as if it is the absolute truth.