MCA blast Perkasa Shit Shit Shit I-Bra him for loss of Chinese support
KUALA LUMPUR, April 27 — The MCA has blamed “organisations like Perkasa” for Barisan Nasional’s failure in recapturing Chinese support, especially in the recent Hulu Selangor by-election.
In a press statement today, party president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek (picture) condemned Perkasa chief Datuk Ibrahim Ali’s statement urging the government not to fulfil its pledges of development to the Chinese community.
“I wish to condemn in the strongest terms the statement by the Perkasa chief for asking the government to delay the development allocations to the Chinese community.
“I wish to stress that government money belongs to the people. It should be used for the local community for local development,” Dr Chua said.
In Sunday’s polls, BN’s P. Kamalanathan secured a 1,725-vote majority win over PKR’s Datuk Zaid Ibrahim but failed to recapture votes from the Chinese community.
The BN only secured fewer than 30 per cent of the Chinese votes, down from the 35 per cent it had garnered during Election 2008.
Ibrahim, the Pasir Mas MP, had capitalised on this and had called the Chinese community “ungrateful.”
He urged the BN government not to fulfil its promises to them.
Ibrahim had also called on the government to ignore demands made by the MCA and Gerakan as punishment for their failure to attract Chinese voters.
Dr Chua said that the Chinese voters of Hulu Selangor should not be punished for their failure to choose the BN in the election.
The MCA president noted that he had already discussed the matter with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and the latter had given an assurance that he would not take heed of Ibrahim’s demands.
“Najib has given his assurance that the BN will fulfil its pledges of development to the voters of Hulu Selangor. The BN does not renege on its promises,” he claimed.
Dr Chua lambasted Ibrahim for his statement and said that it was organisations like Perkasa that made it difficult for the MCA to get Chinese support for the BN.
“Malaysia will not be able to progress if we continue to have people like Ibrahim Ali who professes to champion along racial lines with disregard to the sensitivity of other communities in the country,” he said.
He added that all politicians should be reminded not to utter remarks that touch on the fabric of culture, religion and race for such actions were contrary to the prime minister’s 1 Malaysia platform.
This is the second time the MCA has been at loggerheads with the Malay rights group, which has the backing of many Umno members and some of its leaders.
When contacted by The Malaysian Insider, Dr Chua said: “Who is Perkasa anyway? They are just an NGO.”
He also blamed the negative campaigning employed by some of the more right-wing members of Umno, many of them Perkasa supporters, for the loss of Chinese support for BN.
Dr Chua claimed that Zaid had only gained further popularity with the Chinese voters when BN attempted to use his drinking past and purported gambling habits to discredit him.
“Zaid is known as a liberal Malay leader. He is popular, especially among the younger generation of voters compared to Kamalanathan, who is just a new leader.
“The attempt to blacken his image with the gambling and drinking allegations would not work in the Chinese community because they do not view these things negatively. In fact, they can better identify with him,” he said.
Meanwhile, Gerakan vice-president Datuk Chang Ko Youn said Ibrahim’s statement was “irresponsible” and accused the independent MP of failing to take cognisance of the reason why the Chinese community had abandoned the BN.
“He should stop making extremist statements and stop trying to alienate the MCA and Gerakan in the BN,” he said.
That Racist is part of the problem . But the biggest problem is YOU , yourself , no need for me to keep repeating in , everyone in Malaysia knows . Even the top BN leadership is ashamed to be seated with you . Just look at Najib's body language when you are with him ! But then who cares what that idiot I Bra-him , the foul , stinking asshole says ? We Chinese are not beggars , but we Chinese are the major or biggest contributions to the govt coffers by way of income taxes . You want to belittle the Chinese , you'll get what you started .
Heard this song " They have only themselves to blame " by Gilbert O'Sullivan .
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ReplyDeleteChua Soi Lek, Liow Tiong Lai and Wee Ka Siong still do not accept that the Chinese do not like them and will not vote for MCA. They refused to accept this. As long as they refused to acknowledge they are the problem, MCA will loose in the election.
ReplyDeleteResign, DVD actor and Brutus.
MCA must remain status quo...make us easier to vote them out.
ReplyDeleteNiamah!!! CSL refused to take responsibility for MCA loss. What kind of leader is he? MCA had elected a dud for president.
ReplyDeletesay some more niamah, asshole or whatnot, see whether you can revive otk or not? see how these immatured, kacang putih, catoon-mentality people trying to dictate mca politics, give another 100 years you also cannot do anything.
ReplyDeleteforget about it, you want to vote out mca or you want to commit suicide is yr problem. mca will continue to stay bcos out of 6 millions chinese there are only about 5 person like j4otk in this country.
anon 12.32. I dont know where have you been. Did you read that your fcuking president said the Chinese did not support MCA in Hulu Selangor. Have you been smoking something illegal?
ReplyDeleteAs long as MCA is led by Soi Lek, Tiong Lai,Ka Siong, Yen Yen & Chai Ho, we will not vote for this party.
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ReplyDeleteNiamah, are you fucking blind? Can't you see through people like Soi Lek? For what he really is? Did I mention anything about OTK?
ReplyDeleteAnon 1:46
ReplyDeleteThat fucker is CSL's balls licker and a bastardised lap dog who will do anything for his master . I.m glad J4otk deletes all his postings .
To Anon 1:33 , 1:39
ReplyDeleteEven CSL's shit and fart smells like perfume to that bastardised dog who comes to this blog to stir shit for his master .
Take your shit somewhere or start to own blog where you can write or attack OTK everyday to your liking , but get lost from this blog . Go and bark somewhere , rapid dog . here doggy woof woof !
I think his , anon 1:33 and 1:39 blood pressure has gone up . I hope he explodes hahahahaha tiu le sifat !
ReplyDeleteThis is the way. J4. Delete the bugger. Zip his mouth. We can say how screwy he is but he cannot say anything. He has to bottle up his frustration and explode.
ReplyDeleteIf CSL is a responsible leader should give up his post. His post will be legitimately took over by LTL. The Chinese still the same thing NOT TO VOTE MCA. Even both of them resign, still have NYY/GPS/LSC/CCH to take over. The Peter Tan always say DSOTK take over the President post , the Chinese votes will come back and the J4 supporters will no more to against his master CSL. MCA members understand the Party Constitution but as CSL supporters, did not understand it. CSL should give him a lesson and come back here to barking again.
ReplyDeleteYes. CSL should put this Peter Tan across his knee and whup him good with a leather belt. This guy need to be taught a good painful lesson. Whup him good and proper.
ReplyDeleteIf CSL not able to be appointed as Cabinet Minister, the next choice should be GPS as he do come from Johore State.However , we will look positive the new appointment will bring much benefit to MCA.
ReplyDeleteCSL is in the same boat with Samy Vellu. They are liability to BN. No more use and cannot be used.
ReplyDeleteWhat is your plan for OTK to regian the presidency in next election?? CSL is the head for both Johor and Perak.
When OTK was only a Johir head, CSL hue and cry, but CSL himeself are the heads for 2 states.
And in Johor, he puts all his machai - most tak boleh pakai punya and only ball lickers, gangsters, ah long...... to be in the state liaison office.
CSL has stoke the fire of war and you, J4 must swiftly think of strategies to finish off the sex maniac.
We understand inside MCA , no HERO IMAGE leaders, only with the Teams as their leaders. If these teams are accept the tainted president, he will always be a leader until he die or surrender. Looks at NYY/KCH/LSC/KKH/TCH , they are teamed up to support CSL, so he is the president.LTL/CMF/WKS/CCH teams up to support OKT,they loss because they cannot get more support from other teams. J4 feels OTK is a most suitable MCA leader but his comrades betrayed him , the three kingdom is seen. Who know one day , a leader can be accepted by these team leaders like NYY/KCH/KKH/TCH/LTL/WKS/CMF , he might be the New MCA President. But who is he ? Shit Bra Him. An outsider.