No faith in inter-faith committee?
Where are you on this issue ? Dickhead ? Not one word from MCA on this issue !Tak boleh cakap on religious issues since one who is tainted is not the right person to talk on moral and religious issues
The Dec 31 “Allah” ruling sparked strong protests in the country. — file pic
PETALING JAYA, April 12 — Religious non-governmental organisations have questioned the political will of the government in setting up the inter-faith committee, after Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said the committee consisted of “small-fry”.
Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa, the founder and chairman of the Islamic Renaissance Front (IRF), said the DPM’s statement has cast doubt on the true motives behind the formation of the committee.“It reflects the insincerity of the government to establish the interfaith panel,” said Dr Ahmad. IRF is a Muslim think tank and research-based institution that was set up in 2007 to promote intellectual discourse related to Islam.
He stressed the importance of dialogue between religious groups, saying that such dialogue leads to understanding, which is the heart of civil society. He added that Muhyiddin’s remark showed the indecisiveness of the Government in facilitating inter-faith discussions.
Muhyiddin had said this morning that the lack of any legal powers vested in the committee meant it would not have any influence over the nation’s official religion.
Rev Dr Thomas Philips, president of the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST), questioned the motives of the government in setting up the interfaith committee.
Not a word from MCA? It's not surprising...that's what MCA is good for! A lapdog.
ReplyDeleteNo lah. It is the duty of that head of religious bureau, apa nama Ong Ka Chuan. He is MCA triad. Also, no moral standing to talk about religion and faith.
ReplyDeleteSo the best policy is MCA keep silent.
What about Peter Tan's master ? Tiada muka ape nak cakap ?
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ReplyDeleteThat's is the danger of reading news headlines ( especially in the news portals ) without verification.
ReplyDeleteTSMY never used the phrase "SMALL FRY". It was repoter/editor who added in the phrase --by way of (his) interpretation!
Malaysiakini.Com had regretted the "error":
For straight news, why did the reporter/editor went to "interptret" TSMY's statement?
That was not a news analysis!XIAO
WITH DUE RESPECT, REV Dr Thomas Philips, had made himself a FOOL by reading the news headlines without verifying the accuracies....
We (non-Muslims) are lucky enough to get the Cabinet agreed to the formation of this Inter-religious Special Committee. It is a vital venue for sorting out religious conflicts faced by Malaysians.
Now REV Dr. T Philips behaved like another politician. How to solve our "inter-religious" problems with that kind of arrogance/ignorance?
Please focus on the bigger issueslah. Why bother about the "care-le-fei" (small fry) remark, when you are duty-bound to implement what your God asks you to do ?
Some of us condemned those extremists in the Muslim community, for being "UnIslamic" in treating non-Muslims....
And I conclude that Rev Dr. Philips was "unChristian" when he behaved the way he did in handling the "small fry" remark!
-Boddhi Lai-
what religion you call it ? the way you attack people smear people, poison people, shows that this blog has no religion, fear no god
ReplyDeleteotherwise the hell fire is waiting for who in the world after.
I strong recommend my dear readers who happen to be here, to read the following article by one respected Muslim scholar, YB Mujahid Yusof Rawa.
ReplyDeleteIt does not matter if you dislike his party- PAS.
But please examine his approaches in "engaging" the non-Muslims in Malaysia.
I am confident that YB Mujahid is going to win many hearts and minds, and solve many religious conflicts FASTER than the Inter-Faith Committee headed by Datuk Ilani Isahak (Kelantanese Umno lawyer).
-Boddhi Lai-
Boddhi Lai. I agree that Muhyddin did not use the phrase small fry. He used the word small committee. This suggested a low level and no influence committee. MK is wrong to use the word small fry. It is not politically correct. But the phrase do suggest the meaning of what Muhyddin precisely.
ReplyDeleteThe real message from Muhyiddin is that the interfaith committee is not going to have any influence any decisions by the govt. This he did not denied.
So the interfaith committee is as good as dead.
ANON 12:01 wrote,
ReplyDelete"what religion you call it ? the way you attack people smear people, poison people, shows that this blog has no religion, fear no god...."
Agreed. It is ADVISABLE that we should avoid talking bad about others (wh include party leaders). Why must we attract negative karmma?
Allow me to quote what Lord Buddha told his disciples:
"Monks, if others were to speak ill of me/dhamma/sanghas, you should not on that account entertain thoughts of enmity & spite.
If, Monks,you are angry and displeased with them it will impede your mental development....
Monks,if others were to speak ill of me/dhamma/sanghas, you should then unravel what is untrue and make it all clear...."
So, we need to reminded always that:
"If one speaks or acts with a polluted mind, suffering follows one as the wheel under the oxen's feet.
If one speaks or acts with a pure mind, happiness follows one as the shadow that never departs."
The 'war' (party election) is OVER.
It appears that some of our friends are unaware. Under the democratic system, the candidate who got "simple majority" is the WINNER.
Dr. Chua Soi Lek won with a "simple majority".
In Umno Youth election (2008), Khairy also won the same way by beating Khir Toyo & Mukhriz -though the combined votes obtained by the latter 2 candidates are higher than Khairy.
Now it is time for us to look out for challenges outside the party.
Please do not use our "swords" to aim inside the party.
If you think your Taiko is good, please prepare him/her for the next party election (June-August 2011).
Best wishes to ALL.
-Boddhi Lai-
Brader ANON 12:09,
ReplyDelete1. The formation of the Interfaith Committee is a good start. Whether "small or big fry or deep-fried", it is still useful in providing opportunities for discourse....
2. Chinese used to say: "No fish, prawns are equally good". So in the absence of Interfaith Commission, this "small" commiittee" is equally goodlah.
3. We need to understand that TSMY merely wanted to "downplay" the important status of the said Committee --vis-a-vis the protests from Perkasa & Muftis....
4. The "downplay" statement is for Muslim/Malays consumption only. We non-Muslims should not be misled unnecessarily....
5. Once the opportunities are there, the representatives of the Christians, Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus & Sikhs may submit their reports/views/feedback/suggestions....Then our leaders shall take up the matters "higher up"lah.
That's why I maintain that the said Committee is useful -at least for s start. Otherwise we non-Muslims are only able to "CRY FATHER CRY MOTHER" every now and then....
-Boddhi Lai-
Oh my......what we have here now, isn't it disgusting to spin on religious verses to convince!!!....
ReplyDeleteHere we are talking the truth, CSL cheated his wife, he betray DS OTK and he lied. We pointed out that such people with tainted pass should not lead MCA, he display a bad example and we do not want other to emulate his bad behavior, tell me what is wrong with this...if he can make short DS OTK presidency why not other do the same to him.... What is the problem ???......he care less about MCA unity when he is planning to topple DS OTK and why you CSL supporters so concern about MCA unity now.....why not before....already to late lah....
Boddhi Lai, please refrain from mixing politic with religion and I hate to see people bring in religion into politic....
Religion has been made used of by many civilisations . Getting people converted and killing in the name of religion are sins which equal that of the propagation of falsehood religions . Many missionaries during the rapes of the Americas forced natives to be converted to Christianity failing which they were exterminated , killed .
ReplyDeleteToday it is still happening where nations have fought and kill under the guise of religion .
Monks,if others were to speak ill of me/dhamma/sanghas, you should then unravel what is untrue and make it all clear...."
While I chose to agree with wisdom , that Boddhi Lai has now chose to spin on religious verses to refrain commenters from speaking ill of the president .
My take is we are not speaking ill of the Buddha ,dhamma or the sanghas, but on facts , we are NOT spinning , telling untruths , spreading lies . Isn't it a fact that CSL committed adultery ? Did the dhamma specifically says that you should not commit adultery ? Let alone someone who is seeking high office ? So is Boddhi Lai saying it is alright since he has now been voted in as the president ?
You are doing a great disservice to the dhamma . I hope this will put things right , that for any action results in a reaction , and that is , an adultery is an adultery . Winning the presidency does not erase the fact that you have been caught committing an act of adultery .
Same as confessions to a father in a church .
Quote : "If one speaks or acts with a polluted mind, suffering follows one as the wheel under the oxen's feet.
This applies to people who speaks with twisted tongue , people who lies , people who slanders , people who speaks untruths resulting in the innocents being punished for something they did not do or spoke . In the olden days people get burnt at the stakes or beheaded just because someone says he saw that someone did this or did that resulting in innocents getting killed .
In our comments here , it is a fact and we are not telling lies when we harp on the fact that a adultereous person has indeed become a leader . This is no lies , no spins , no slander . It is a fact .
Quote : If one speaks or acts with a pure mind, happiness follows one as the shadow that never departs."
We are speaking with a pure mind and with conscience that a sinned person should not lead people who have not sinned . Leaders who have sinned by corrupting 900 central delegates to vote for a sinned leader amounts to the devil leading the innocents .
Therefore we who have and remain incorruptible
speaks with a pure heart and pure mind in defending our innocence .
Wishing you all the best with my explanation !
Quote : Now it is time for us to look out for challenges outside the party.
ReplyDeletePlease do not use our "swords" to aim inside the party. :Unquote
If we want the Chinese people to have faith in the MCA and to project a clean image , we must have a clean and untainted leader , otherwise how are we to convince the people that we are fighting for their rights and for the correct values ? People today are not stupid anyone and never take the public for fools or pull wool over their eyes .
Swords aiming inside the party are for self-cleansing . The public reading this blog will know that there are still righteous people inside the MCA who does not condone the election of a tainted president.
By aiming swords outside , we would be seen as condoning sins and the whole MCA would be blackened . Remember we are NO apple polishers chosing to turn a blind eye to a despicable act but rather in wanting to call a spade a spade whether he like it or not .
Thank you .
Sdra Chaptokam,
ReplyDeleteThank you for raising some valid points.
1. I think "constructive criticisms" are not forbidden by any religion/belief.
2. But "systematic attack" on the "past sins" of a person or leader does not look right....
3. Not longer ago we heard that "some" people condemned the late Teoh Beng Hock for having a pregnant fiancee (and now a child out of wedlock). Were they still being condemned?
Dr. Ridhuan Tee wrote erroneouly in Utusan regarding the views of Buddhism in TBH's affairs. Some Buddhist priests clarified that Buddhism excercised "flexibilities" in this type of case.
4. I humbly submit that Dr. Chua Soi Lek's case shall be treated with such "flexibilities"....
5. The principle of repentance is simple among the Buddhists. That's why we are told that "once you put down your chopping knife,you will become a buddha." (放下屠刀,立地成佛)
6. It appears that Dr. Chua had done what was necessary to repent....
7. Of course, I understand the message when some of you argued that CSL should have withdrawn from political leaderships like Mat Taib, Rahim Tamby Chik, Tan Koon Swan ( who had 2 children out of wedlock in the 80's), Bill Clinton etc..
8. IDEALLY, I also feel he should retire....But he didn't; the choice is his, and he was supported by 901 delegates....
Apa nak dikata?
There is nothing we could do now, except to wait for next party election June-August 2010!
9. I humbly feel that your continued condemnation of his "past sin" shall attract bad karmma for yourself; not him (CSL).
Again, the choice is yours. I can't decide for you.
Best wishes.
-Boddhi Lai-
TQ Sdra Wisdom for your view.
ReplyDelete1. Politicians aside, it is on records that there were/are many religious leaders who themselves were sinners at one time or another....They were given chance to lead....
2. Malaysian Nichiren Buddhist Association split into two after their parent association in Japan broke up, because some of their high priests were alleged to have visited brothels. One Nichiren Buddhist Association is stationed in Kelang, and another is KL (Soka Gakkai International-SGI). The sect remains popular....
3. I don't think religious teachings/beliefs and politics are incompatiable. So they are also inseparable. It only makes sense that both need to be discussed together. Otherwise, how are we going to PURIFY the politics and politicians as some of you wanted to accomplish? hehehehe
JUST BE GOOD. Everyone can go to heaven.
http://www.justbegood. net
Warmest regards.
-Boddhi Lai-
Incrdible, people seem to like to use religion especially Buddhism to sweep under the carpet or whitewash something already committed as a sin and says it is now alright and is forgiven. The right approach is for the sinner to not go for leadership post especially the top post but CSL is still unrepentant and that is the point for the backlash. Now the image of MCA is dragged by every politician in Malaysia and soon it will becom an embroiling issue too hot and too murky to unravel. Think about the self-respect and honour CSL is putting MCA into all because of the 900 CDs supporters. So it is not about forgiving as a person it is about the Party that's involved and any self respecting member feels the shame and utter lack of image due to the taintedness of its leader. No matter what's said ofcourse will go away as CSL is legally elected. And that's the problem that is hard to solve.
ReplyDeleteThe best way is for him to step down honourably and immediately. Don't think this is agreeable to CSL as he's still unrepentant of his sin and see it differently otherwise he would not contest the top post and for his supporters they have other motives - nothing to lose but gain fiancially. This is the crux of the problem. Nothing to do with religion & forgiveness and then choose to become leader - don't think Buddhism is all about that - to honour Buddha or its religion is not to come clean only but also not to cause disrespect/dishonour again by taking up top leadership position. Then it can be said to be truly forgiven. If one's sin still causes others to lose faith in the Party as well as the person himself that is not damage control. In fact the sin spreads and bring abou the odor that is so smelly/rancid yjat overtime it is getting worse and eventually kills everyone with it.
MCA is habis lah as they don't respect humanity and its law especially moral ones - the foundation for growth in any organisation be it an institution or political party and for that matter a family unit which is basic to a healthy society/state/country. WHATSAYU
Sdra ANON 11:00,
ReplyDeleteI truly understand your points/views.
As I stated above, IDEALLY I also wished CSL did not contest for No.1 post.
I suggested that he stayed put at No.2, and let TEE KEAT lead the party until June-Aug 2011....But who were we to suggest what veterans should do ?
Now that the results were known, we have to accept the fact...and go into the damage-control modelah....
But as a Buddhist, I trust that no religion should stop a repented sinner from leading a political party--after he is elected democratically by the delegates....
Successful politicians need to be "thick-faced", right?
Being "thick-faced" is not a sin, is it?
A sinner won't "taint" his/her religion. A sinner got to live with his karmma....If he makes good karmmas, he can also go to heavenlah. So what's wrong for CSL to be the MCA President? hehehe
-Boddhi Lai-
Winner for simple majority is lamb duck. Winner with big majority is dictatorship. Winner disregard the will of majority is undemocratic or communism. DIRECT PARTY ELECTION is the only choice of MCA to be stronger again. Chinese and grass root members will not FORGET OR FORGIVE the 900 DELEGATES to erect the banana & balls of tainted president. Not only OTK , any foresight, accountable leader can topple CSL under the DPE, but MCA is very lack of such kind of leaders , so as PT comments :KARMA TO CONDEMN CSL.
ReplyDeletePolitic is a zero sum game and religion is about faith and worship and not a zero sum game to toss about. Nothing is wrong to pray to restores one's confidence, but many people use religion as a tools to score point...
ReplyDeleteOne very good example is the 14th Dalai Lama who abuse his status as a monk to create havoc in Tibet. Such people is actually doing a disservice to the religion by ignoring the fact.
As a real taoist by knowing the real effect of sin and karmma ( yin Kuo ). The Yin is because of the Sex CD, the Kuo is the tainted President. May be we call is Divine. During the interim of this happening, the fate of MCA is murky but still can see twilight. It has given a good lessen for many people if want to become a good politician, should be much careful on one behaviour and action. We have seen many RIGHTEOUS and ROYALIST from there we take the good and desert the bad. We do know some tend to beautify the ugly. Those who have done bad with have BAD KARMMA , and done good with GOOD KARMMA in return. We take it easy and as real taoist we know GOD wants to give us a better impact of BAD & GOOD. God wants us to plant God Karmma so that we can see him without the burden of SIN, and those cannot see the God will always remain in the place of murky or hell.Yen Hui