This post appeared in MarGeeMar
I like to thank this fellow blogger for helping me in my crusade and giving me the publicity . Thank You Tan Teik Lye , but the heading I feel is wrong as this is my opinion and crusade and Ong Tee Keat has nothing to do with this let alone sabotage . This is a very misleading title , so what can you expect from this blogger who tends to " spin "everything out of context !Ong Tee Keat Sabotaging MCA???

By Tan Teik Lye
It appears that former MCA President is using Joseph Stalin's 'scorched earth' policy to get back at MCA and its leaders for rejecting him and gang. It appears so if you read the pro-Ong Tee Keat blog JUSTICE FOR ONG TEE KEAT (J4OTK) - now conveniently renamed ONE MALAYSIA Justice for ALL Malaysians which posted the following:
"The door is now open and it is now very clear what needs to be done . As for me , I will advise all Tee Keat's supporters to lie low and get all our supporters to be ready to jump ship . MCA as it is a rotten and sinking ship with a tainted president hell bent on parachuting his son into the MCA top hierarchy and perhaps grooming his son to be the next President . It is now not Ong Sdn Bhd but rather Monkey Chua Associates ."
"Be ready to move when the time comes . It will be the same story as OKT , we will vote out all MCA candidates come GE13 and send them to Timbaktu . Perhaps we should stand as Independent or form a New Party as one of the options."
If this blog which has stood steadfastly behind OTK and attacked his opponents so viciously is a true reflection of what OTK is planning, then MCA coffin must really be sealed...and this too thanks to Najib and Big Brother Umno.
ReplyDeleteEver dawn on you that after making himself as one who cheerfully ridiculed connivers/pretenders, who felt passionate about any issue and who stuck his neck out will certainly attract cynics/skeptics the likes of Tan Teik Lye?
Mar gee Mar is korrect lah!
ReplyDeletehas got more balls than any MCA person
Mar gee Mar is korrect lah!
ReplyDeletehas got more balls than any MCA person
you sure he got balls ??? Wa ingat dia perempuan ada lubang , bukan bola . Tapi dalam tiga hari world cup akan mula , so I ngat you itu bola mesti di tendang dalam lubang .
Ini Tan Teik Lye ( TTL ) bukan dia punya betul punya nama . Nama betul ia lah Tua Too Lan ( TTL )
ReplyDeleteKONG cho Ha says no more PKFZ probes..its official - PKFZ been buried today. All mournes welcome at official burial ground - pls bring joss sticks and paper money. if bringing real money - pls put in brown paper bag.