Why is the Datuk Pornstar's Datukship not revoked ?
Datuk Seri award somemore lah !, wa very high lah , must be very famous star like that Bollywood actor , what's his name ? Shah Ruk Khan ? given ftom the Malacca Govt !
Chua Jui Meng, hold your head up high. You may have lost the datukship from one sultan, but you have gained the respect of the whole nation.'
Johor sultan's decision 'nothing to do with politics'
Kgen: If Chua Jui Meng has done something as bad as that politician-turned-porn actor, then no reason need to be given as what happened is public knowledge. This is not the case for CJM (Chua Jui Meng) who has been completely honourable in the public eye.
The sultan is damaging his own reputation by victimising an honourable man for the sake of politics. Maybe one day, the rakyat will wake up and realise it's better to be a republic if we can't have rulers who are wise, fair and above politics.
Mockingbird: Mr Chua Jui Meng, hold your head up high. You did an honourable act by leaving the pack of thieves and now stand for what you believe is morally and politically right. What you did took a lot of courage as we all know bad habits die hard. You may have lost the datukship from one sultan, but you have gained the respect of the whole nation.
Victor Johan: Datuk CJM, when the previous sultan bestowed the awards on you, he gave reasons or the purpose of the awards. Now that the son, who is the current sultan, wants to remove the same awards from you, he is much obliged to provide the rakyat and you the motive or grounds.
WandererAUS: Although it's maybe the prerogative of the sultan whether to give the reason for asking the titles back, since he lives on the generosity of taxpayers' money, he owes the public an explanation for his action.
Watchman: With all due respect, sultan, if I am not mistaken, during a recent interview after you took over the reign from your late father, you mentioned that you want to be a new age ruler - one who dare to speak out and act for the benefit of the Johor people. Obviously what you are doing now totally contradicts your views/stand.
Dood: "He (Johor Royal Council secretary Abdul Rahim Ramli )said those who had awards withdrawn should ask themselves whether they had done 'something honourable' or not."
What about that pornstar whose dick was shown to everyone in his famous DVD ? Why is his Datukship from the Johore palace not withdrawn from him ? Datuk Pornstar ? hahaha
With this reasoning, all titles issued to Umno/BN/Perkasa politicians would have to be withdrawn on principle. And sure, the palace may be within its rights to keep silent on the reason for the revocation of the titles, but the sultan should realise that public perception matters. And the people do not believe that there was no political pressure involved.
Not Confused: Loyalty and respect are earned, and cannot be demanded. It seems there is very little respect for the royal families in Malaysia - is it any wonder given their arrogance?
Ask Dick Chua Soi Lek. Vicious man.
ReplyDeleteWhy Penang nowhere in sight in the 10MP.....
ReplyDeleteAny wise Penangites would visualize the larger picture and in this particular matter I choose to put the blame more to the Penang Cheap Minister for his narrow politics. Obviously he set the tone for Penang people to suffer then blame on the Federal Government. This is how he continually play the victims to gain sympathy at the same time incited anger among the Penang people which is then hurl at the Federal Government....
DAP, after ruling Penang for more than two years, what have they achieve ?...we still yet to see any concrete blue prints on Penang development and policies how to run the State effectively. The city is getting congested with heavy traffic and the Penang people have turn wild and simply foul any traffic rules to drive recklessly and park their vehicles indiscriminately without any concern to other road user has become a norm. Wondering what is the outcome of the Efficiency Transport System which is a combination of putting more bus on the roads and building a MRT to take those cars off the road which was then talked so much about during the previous and present State Government....now as silent as the grave, but they are good at throwing a few populist policy like RM100 pocket money to keep older Penangites happy.....very sad indeed that the Penang people can be simply blinded by such silly gesture which was intent to divert their failure to manage the State well and proper.....
An able leaders shall overcome any obstacles, provide solutions and solve the problems but not pointing fingers and blaming others as what the Cheap Minister of Penang have been doing...No matter how hostile the situation may be, still diplomatic relations is the best policies, however the Penang Cheap Minister possess none of it but good at shouting, daring, challenging and demanding.....a leader who have no strategic development plan, but egoistic, cocky and always looking for fight surely got nothing.....you play balls and they balls with you.
Remember Penang was even at the worst care when Lim Chong Eu took over, did he complaint, did he point finger to blame others and did he scream?....Penang achievement under his leadership is a testament of an able leader, a proven model was placed at the doorstep, free of charge and no need to waste time was waiting there for somebody to emulate yet they are not doing it ....probably to them Penang is just a pawn....of course their aims is to march to Putrajaya and that matter most......
Until then Penang can die......
01-01 , pls being reasonable, what do you want from government being just voted in, there must be a lot of shit cleaning up to do least to say to start planning and organising the administration network, dont compare with pass government as their legacy is still respected but the initiative taken or implemented does command credits if not respect, just restrict yourself from badmouthing the new administration
ReplyDeleteCheap Minister of Penang in Europe selling his arse ! muahahahaha
Anon May 13, 2010 01:54 PM,
ReplyDeleteThe truth hurts......
Why must I give reference when the Cheap Minister of Penang is not preforming...I am impartial and is the duty of any concern citizen to wrack all those not delivering....your reasons of excuse that they being just voted in is not acceptable, two years plus is a long, long time....
Is it so difficult to come and tell us what and when they are going to do...or they are afraid to give commitment?....
ReplyDeleteUnderstand that DS OTK drop by Penang, how long will he be around or already left....do you meet him, did he still got the support from Penang MCA?....hope one day can meet him...
wisdom is being unfair..............
ReplyDeleteUnder dAP Penang is gettin cleaner. ask those penang ppl. Infact I am in Penang now. enjoying my holiday. Pls viist singapore blogs which mentioned they like to come back to penang.
Pls take note that if Penang was given a skip for 10MP, it is the federal gov being unfair. They collect taxes from all but when come to development, they kill penang. not only all pakatan states but sabah and sarawak included until lately when S&S MPs threaten to jump ship. A good gov will treat all evenly.
To kill penang, is akin to cut your nose to spike your face. Why?? Penang contributed 50% od electronic goods export and 39% malaysian total export. If penang goes down , WONDER also suffer. You got it now. In fact Pakatan's states controlled all the malaysian economy.
As for Lim Chong Ewe - he can not scream then because his abang umno is the federal gov. Pls do not twist and turn the facts to suits your poor argument.
if you ask Lim Chong Ewe today, he will tell you BN is "mou ngan tai, hor ee ki lah".
And pls Tan Ku Ku, OTK will have no time to meet yoy even though he is very much a free man compare to last month. who do you think you are??!!
J4, pls do not delete my postings to show that you are a fair person.
Correction, my earlier post is to Anon June 13, 2010 01: 54 PM and not May 13, 2010 01:54 PM, my apologies for the error....
ReplyDeleteAnon June 13, 2010 11:44 PM,
Get yourself straighten up.....
Let me remind you that what Penang have today is not the effort of Penang Cheap Minister, it was the effort of the previous government. Ex CM Khor Tsu Koon can not keep up the momentum and did not preform well that why he was kick out....however we replace him with someone even worse. Penang is a tourist destination irrespective who govern as such your reasoning that Singaporean holiday in Penang because the Cheap Minister is doing a good job is groundless.....Many Singaporean come here because it is cheap and the food is good.
When Singapore left Malaysia they have nothing. Lee Kuan Yew able leadership overcome many obstacles, provide solutions and solve many problems to bring Singapore where they are today......he don't behave like The Cheap Minister of Penang ranting and blaming other people for his shorting coming. This is what I am talking about the Penang Cheap Minister do not have substance....
It is very sad that People like you really have a problem, you don't read well but making hasty judgment perhaps immature intellectual is the cause. When some one talk about and criticize your people, you jump into conclusion that such people are your rival...get out of that kind of box....I wrack those who don't deliver, PR as well as BN...why don't you say that I am not fair when I wrack MCA tainted president....those who follow my posts know that the tainted president got the most for me....
Anyway DS Ong Tee Keat would like to meet me or not is none of your business.....
ReplyDeletesince you touched on tourism. Let me tell you the truth. I have too many friends in tourism...they are from Penang but worked in KL.... Since Koh TK time, Malaysian Gov already give Penang a miss. Skip penang. All come from Singapore --- goto KL/Genting then the most Langkawi. This is actually fed gov responsibility also.
KTK was not performing. not because he wa not good. But being under BN(read amno) there is a line to toe. MCA is facing the same problem.
i have told my MCA friends.... under BN you can never convince anyone to believe you can do as the decision maker is someone else who has the agenda prioritised.
See what happen to CSL yesterday.
Wisdom..Penang is doing fimne as long as tourism is corncerned, pls bear in mind, the most problematic and stumbling block for tourism and even investment is safety and security....read the news on Chinese couple get hurt due to attemp robbery in Ipoh yesterday which resulted the couples changed their mind to invest in Ipoh. Ipoj is BN state, ok??
This is the federal gov responsibilities.
No point argueing while rome is burning.
If OTK is meeting you, I hope you are discussing plans jumping ship if not, all of you will go down together with the ship, with CSL as the Captain. The violin is playing.......
Anon June 14, 2010 05:37 PM,
ReplyDeleteYou guys still do not get it.....
Its is not about depending on who or someone to place the gold on the table for you to ply, its is about depending on your own ability to look and dig for the gold lah.....
I do not care BN give a shit or a miss to Penang, the tourists will still come, I do have to tell you why, if you are smart you figure that out. Remember they have taken our Free Port away to kill us as those days Penang depend dearly on tourism, yet Lim Chong Eu show them we won't die, instead the State boom vigorously....he use his brain and not shedding tears lah......
You don't have to tell me that MCA lead by the tainted president is heading to death that is already written on the wall....however I am still bluff why you guys assume that I am MCA people when I support Ong Tee Keat....let me tell you that Ong Tee Keat got more supporters form the community than his own MCA party....yep when I meet him I am asking him to capture Penang on his own platform, perhaps a new multi racial party....then we show DAP what an able government is all about.....you are alway welcome to joint us.....
Just forget about MCA, its pornsident and his son. The people there have only one priority - mullah in their pockets. MCA do not give a damn about the Chinese community. If you look at how MCA representatives are working, you notice that they agree in private and make noise in public. MCA is pulling wools over the community eyes.
ReplyDeleteExample. The recent extra licensing for sugar, cooking oil, and flour. MCA ministers agreed in the cabinet on extra license. And then Liow Tiong Lai was making noise otherwise in public. Isn't this hypocritical. This is what Chua Soi Lek meant when he said MCA will speak up. It is just a ploy.
Can we believe in MCA at all???